HST - machines

German-made State of the Art teabag packing machines with knotting units. Easy to use and adjustable, with low-energy consumption. Low operational costs with high resale value.

HST - PT 6

  • machine type: Complete automatic teabag packaging machine
  • bag format: heatsealable single chamber square filter bags
  • bag type: naked bags without string and tag

Square Single Chamber 2Complete automatic teabag packaging machine for heatsealable single chamber square filter bags


- up to 480 teabags / minute (HST PT 6-2)

- up to 1000 teabags / minute (HST PT 6-4)

Production Range

- naked bags

Packaging Solutions

- conveyor belt


special features

- State of the Art Technology
- Low machine price
- Low maintenance costs (spare parts)
- Low spare part costs
- German Engineering; 100% made in Germany
- Easy to operate
- Mechanical driven machine therefore long life cycle
- Easy to maintain
- Compact size
- High Flexiblity
- Technical service back-up system


  PT 6-2 PT 6-2L PT 6-4 PT 6-4L
 Bag Sizes (cm) 6,1 x 6,5 7,15 x 6,5 6,1 x 6,5 7,15 x 6,5
Filling quantity (g/ml) 2,8/7 3,5/8,5 2,8/7 3,5/8,5
Speed (bags/min) 480 max. 480 max. 1000 max. 1000 max.
Power connection (kW) 2,95 2.95 2.95 2.95
Energy consumption (kWh) 1,85 1,85 1,85 1,85
Dimersions (cm) 230x200x190 230x200x190 230x200x190 230x200x190
Weight (kg) 900 900 900 900
Compressed Air (bar) 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6


The machine is equipped with the Operator Panel OP 77A and the SPS S7 Software by Siemens.



More in this category: « HST - GK 33 HST - RB 10 »

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